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jQuery jQuery SlideNav

jQuery SlideNav is a jQuery Responsive & Drawer plugin.

Created by Cabana

jQuery plugin, markup and scss for mobile slide nav as seen on our theme sites.

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How to use


Menu markup:

<nav class="slide-nav">

      <input type="search" class="slide-nav-search" placeholder="Søg">

    <li><a href="#">Bliv medlem</a></li>

      <a href="#">Bliv medlem</a>
        <li><a href="#">Mega mikkel</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Mega mikkel</a></li>

      <a href="#" class="current">Bliv medlem</a>
        <li><a href="#">Mega mikkel</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Mega mikkel</a></li>


Button to trigger the slide:

<button type="button" class="toggle-slide-nav">Menu</button>

If on a subpage use .current on an anchor element to mark it as the current page. The .show-sub-nav class can be used on a list item containing a sub nav to have that open from the start.

The markup should be placed outside any main site wrapper element you may have.


Just include the slide-nav.scss file. You need to adjust some of the selectors to match the classes you're using.


  // options...

Possible options

hasSubNavs: [boolean] Set to true if the menu should support sub menus. Default is false.

toggleButtonSelector: [string] A jQuery style selector of the button that should toggle the nav. Default is .toggle-slide-nav.

touch: [boolean] Whether or no swipe events to toggle the nav should be set. This requires jquery.hammer.js Default is false.

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