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jQuery JQuery MD5

JQuery MD5 is a jQuery Standalone / Widgets plugin.

Created by Placemarker

JavaScript MD5 plugin, usable as part of the jQuery library or standalone

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jQuery MD5 Plugin


Create (hex-encoded) MD5 hash of a given string value:

var md5 = $.md5('value');

Create (hex-encoded) HMAC-MD5 hash of a given string value and key:

var md5 = $.md5('value', 'key');

Create raw MD5 hash of a given string value:

var md5 = $.md5('value', null, true);

Create raw HMAC-MD5 hash of a given string value and key:

var md5 = $.md5('value', 'key', true);



If jQuery is not available, the md5 function will be added to the global object:

var md5 = md5('value');


Released under the MIT license.

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