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jQuery toTextarea

toTextarea is a jQuery General Inputs plugin.

Created by UziTech

Makes a div act like a textarea to allow auto resizing and formatting options.

Also allows drag and drop images from desktop.

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Makes a div act like a textarea to allow auto resizing and formatting options.

Also allows drag and drop images from desktop.




<div class="textarea"></div>
  allowHTML: false,//allow HTML formatting with CTRL+b, CTRL+i, etc.
  allowImg: false,//allow drag and drop images
  singleLine: false,//make a single line so it will only expand horizontally
  pastePlainText: true,//paste text without styling as source
  placeholder: false//a placeholder when no text is entered. This can also be set by a placeholder="..." or data-placeholder="..." attribute

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The MIT License (MIT)